Taymouth Historical to Meet


The Taymouth Historical Association will hold it’s monthly meeting on Monday September 16, 2024, beginning at 7:00 pm. It will be held at the Burt Opera House, located at 12888 Nichols Road in Burt. There will be a short business meeting. It will followed by a presentation from guest speaker Chief Meterologist Chris Easlick from Saginaws WNEM-TV5. He will speak on Meteorology and weather forecasting. The public is invited to attend.

Taymouth  Historical Hosts 2024 Memorial Day Service


Mother Nature always seems to have control over the weather each Memorial Day. Mist, sun, clouds or rain is always in the mix. But the weather did not hamper the well attended 31st annual service at the Taymouth Veterans Memorial.

This did not keep residents away. The umbrellas came out, some sheltered under the pine trees. The one hour service just went on as planned with the Birch Run High School band ensemble, special music and singing, readings and honor guard with a gun salute. Thank you to all who attended and took part. Memorial Day is to be remembered honoring Veterans, “As All Gave Some and Some Gave All” in service to our nation.


Taymouth Township Historical to Meet


The Taymouth Historical Association will hold it’s monthly meeting on Monday, May 20, 2024. It will be held at the Burt Opera House, starting at 7:00 pm. Final plans will be made for the Monday May 27, 2024 Memorial Day Service. It will be held at Cook Cemetery Taymouth Veterans Memorial Plaza, starting at 1:00 pm.

The public is invited and encouraged to bring your own lawn chair. For questions, please call 989-751-7651.

Saginaw Valley Antique Show

The Taymouth Historical Association supports the Saginaw Valley Antique Show.

Taymouth Township Historical Association Soup Supper


On Saturday January 20, 2024, the Taymouth Township Historical Association held it’s 5th Annual Homemade Soup Supper. It took place at the Burt Opera House, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We wish to thank all the area residents who came out on a cold Michigan night to enjoy a hot bowl of soup, in supporting our supper. There were 11 different varieties of soup selections offered. A special thanks to Thrivent Action Team for it’s support for the raffle door prizes. Also to Megan Decker at the Birch Run Herald. Thank you again for all those attending.


Taymouth Historical Held their Annual Christmas in the Country


Taymouth Historical held their annual Christmas in the Country on December 3, 2023 at Cook Cemetery’s St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. It was a cloudy and rainy day, but we still had a great turnout. There was wonderful music from Birch Run High School Band Ensemble and singer, Stephanie Pollum. The congregation joined in singing several songs as well.

Three large boxes of food were collected and were donated to the Birch Run/Taymouth Care Program.

We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season!

Taymouth Historical holds Annual Veterans Day Observance




On November 11, 2023, a bright and crisp Saturday morning, members of Taymouth Historical gathered at the Taymouth Veterans Plaza to observe Veterans Day. As in 1918 in Belgium, the bell in the tower of the 100 year old St. Pauls Episcopal Church rang out to mark the anniversary of the end of World War 1. “A War to End All Wars” was suppose to be the last. The program included a call to colors by bugler Jerome Yancho, followed by flag raising by Taymouth and Birch Run Boy Scout Troops of Birch Run and Taymouth Township, troop numbers 228 and 3253 respectfully. They also lead the pledge to the flag. The St. Martin Lutheran Church choir sang the National Anthem and America the Beautiful. Aaron Benkert offered the opening and closing prayers. A wreath was placed on the memorial by Taymouth Historical member Mark Welling. “What is Veterans Day” was also presented by Taymouth Historical member Frank Sauder. The significance of the Poppy flower, it’s ties to a Poem of Flanders Field, was shared by Taymouth Historical members Linda Schulz and Larry Prueter. The scouts passed out poppies to all attending. A moment of silence was taken in respect to all service men and women who have served our nation, remembering “All Gave some and Some Gave All”. Trumpeter Paul Close closed the morning program with taps followed by the ringing of the church bell.

Wellington R. Burt Picture Installed at the Burt Opera House

This picture of Wellington R. Burt was recently installed in the Burt Opera House by Taymouth Township Historical president Larry Prueter and treasurer Frank Sauder. The picture is a satire of Wellington R. Burt, Courtesy of Castle Museum of Saginaw County History.


About Us

“Preserving Taymouth’s Past for the Future”

Taymouth Township Historical Association is a 501c non-profit organization centered around preserving the history of Taymouth Township for future generations.

St. Paul’s Mission

The Taymouth Historical Association, from its founding, has taken on the restoration of the 1873 St. Paul’s Episcopal Mission Church. It is a project funded by fund raisers, grants and donations. Much of the work is volunteer by members of the Association and the community.


Officers for 2022


Larry E. Prueter

Vice President

Mark Welling

Recording Secretary

Michelle Duncan


Frank Sauder


Linda Schulz

Veteran's Memorial Bricks

The Taymouth Township Veterans Memorial Marker and Plaza is one of Taymouth Historical Association’s projects. It was established to honor Veterans of the “Past, Present and Future”. Memorial bricks for a veteran(s) may be purchased, engraved and placed in the plaza. Just download, print, and fill out the below form.


St. Paul’s Episcopal Mission

The Taymouth Historical Association, from its founding, has taken on the restoration of the 1873 St. Paul’s Episcopal Mission Church. It is a project funded by fund raisers, grants and donations. Much of the work is volunteer by members of the Association and the community.


Burt Opera House

In 1888, this settlement was named in honor of Wellington R. Burt, the lumber tycoon who arranged for the Cincinnati, Saginaw and Mackinaw Railroad to run through this village. The Burt Opera House has hosted vaudeville shows, weddings, local fairs township meetings and elections.


Taymouth Library

Constructed in 1928, the Taymouth Township Library was originally the local Junior High School. Even though it now serves as a library, remnants of it’s original design still remains. The original school bell can still be seen hanging up in the steeple.

Taymouth Historical Scholarship


Meghan Oberski was selected as the winner of the 2023 Taymouth Township Historical Association annual scholarship.

She was presented with the scholarship at the Birch Run High School Honors Night on May 9, 2023. Meghan was presented her award by Mark Welling, Vice President of Taymouth Township Historical Association.

Meghan is the daughter of Robert and Pamela Oberski.  She has a 4.171 grade point average.  She plans to obtain a degree in cellular and molecular biomedical sciences.

Her honors and school activities included volleyball, travel volleyball, member of student council, the National Honors Society and yearbook committee.  She has also received the American Chemical Society Outstanding Chemistry Student award.  Congratulations Meghan and best wishes to you in your college endeavors.

                                                                                                                         Taymouth Historical to Meet

The Taymouth Historical Association will hold its monthly meeting and program on Monday November 20, 2023. It will be held at the Burt Opera House. A short business meeting will start at 7:00 pm, followed by a 7:30 pm program “Who Was General Henry Knox?”. Presenter will be Taymouth Historical member Frank Sauder. There is no charge for the program, but a door donation will be accepted. The Opera House is located at 12888 Nichols Road, one mile south of Birch Run Road. Anyone interested in history is welcomed to attend. For questions, please call 989-751-7651.